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 Yes it can. Thin hair usually means each individual hair is very fine. A person can have a lot of very fine hair. Thin hair is often mistaken for sparse hair meaning very few hairs per square inch.
Thin hair can be straight, limp, curly or wavy.
Making thin hair thicker can be done with a haircut and or products.
Volumtechnic Haircutting Technology thickens fine limp hair. Volumtechnics builds body into fine limp hair. Hair can be thickened on top of the head. Most hair cutting techniques weaken the receding area; Volumtechnics thickens the hair in the receding line. Very short hair is not recommended for Volumtechnics. Some length is needed to build thicker hair.
Judaysia is the creator of Volumtechnics Haircutting Technology. Her clients come in from all over the globe. Her haircuts hold their shape as they grow out giving her clients more time between cuts.
Products are also used to thicken hair. Judaysia Thic gives instant results and it is easy to use. Just spray on a small amount and each strand increases in diameter making the hair thicker. Judaysia Thic is made from natural ingredients which mean it is good for your hair. Judaysia Thic allows your hair to grow longer faster. Splitting and breaking are eliminated allowing the hair to thicken from the scalp. Feel and see the difference. Healthy, shiny thicker hair.  Judaysia Thic is available at http://www.judaysia.com/thic.html 

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